Sunday, June 05, 2005

Late Spring Loneliness

Loneliness is an interesting phenomenon.

Brother Damien was supposed to come by Friday - but didn't. Nor Saturday.

Camilla hasn't come around the last two days either.

It isn't solitude that creates loneliness, but the unmaterialized expectation of company.

Things go on as before. Nothing has changed. The past two days were fabulous for cloud watching. The shade of the trees was just as cool in the late afternoon.

But the fading expectation of company dampens all.

God look with mercy upon all the Annies and Eleanors in the world tonight.


Anonymous said...

Again, no idea who Wendell Berry, but found this quote in a running magazine in an article on exploring a new place:

"You are undertaking the first experience, not of the place, but of yourself in that place. It is an experience of essential loneliness; for nobody can discover the world for anybody else. It is only after we have discovered it for ourselves that it becomes a common ground and bond, and we cease to be alone." - Wendell Berry

JPB said...

I met Wendell Berry during my graduate school days at a conference on theological aesthetics and the environment.

Note the link to JAYBER CROW in the right hand margin. That's one of Mr. Berry's finest works.

I am honored beyond my ability to express it that anything I would have written would have reminded you of anything he ever wrote.

He is one of the reasons I came out here.

He has led a fascinating life, as well, for an 'academic' - if he could in any way be saddled with that opprobrious term.