Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Two Months, A Garden, and A Root Cellar

Today marks two full months here in the valley as well as the anniversary of the execution of the defenders of Madrid, celebrated in Goya’s famous painting.

And I need a root cellar.

When I made the two initial trips in here, I brought quite a bit of freeze dried food to supplement what I could get from the land, but that stock is almost out. It all tastes disgusting anyway. But I suppose I will have to hike out again at least once this summer, unless I can get someone to bring me some supplies.

The monks are also very generous and I’m certain they would not let me starve, but this fall I would like to can, dry, smoke, salt or otherwise preserve as much as I possibly can for the winter.

The garden is coming along nicely. The first planting of radishes should be ready soon. Lettuce, onions, peas, spinach and cabbage are in. Broccoli and cauliflower should go in this week. So should the beets, chard and potatoes. A little later in the month I’ll be able to put in beans, corn, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash, cucumber, and a variety of melons. I’ll also have a nice herb garden, I think.

There are plenty of rabbits and squirrel. I should probably take a couple deer – just to be safe. I don’t see as I’ll ever have trouble getting fish, but I do plan on smoking some anyway.

So I’ll need a root cellar.

I’ve got some plans, though, and they don’t look too difficult; but it is going to take a bit of work. I’ve got help from the monks if I need it and I’m sure some of these Seekers-Errant won’t mind lending a hand – perhaps in exchange for a meal or a good book or one of my finer cigars.

Speaking of which ... I've got to keep an eye out for Cyrus this evening.


JPB said...

A cave with no legends
is like
a cottage with no sparrows.

Anonymous said...

A root cellar, eh? I can't say I've ever constructed one myself (i tend to find friends with larders well-stocked already, being, ahem, without one, er, for the time being), but i daresay i can dig a hole as well as the next man if i have a mind for it. and especially if i have a drop of something, er, invigorating in me, if you know what i mean. i may be by...
thank you kindly for this here tobacco. not bad at all. and as a man who likes to pays his debts (except when he doesn't)i have here for you a snatch of a song i gathered from that stream, or brook if you will, not far off. they call brooks "babbling", but "blathering" might be more apt, as i see it. this song isn't worth for much - it certainly is useless as a drinking, er song of 'bonhomie' as the french say (blast them) - but the tune isn't wholly bad. here you go:
cheer, cheerup, gather, and go.
over the ridge where the breezes blow,
whither you go, and find ye there,
a sweet bonny lass, a maiden fair.
and pansies and larkspur gather around,
and sweet honey breezes abound, abound.
Away, away, follow me so.
cheer, cheerup, gather and go.
A damn sight too cheerful for my taste. and it is a bit of a cheat to use breeze and breeze again like that. but that's streams for you - daft blighters. ah well. there you go.
Well, i'm off again. a root cellar you say? i may be by... by and by...

JPB said...

Glass and chimes
the river speaks
with a laugh